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FCC Academy

Dealing with your past mistakes, as well as your concerns about your financial future can be challenging and overwhelming.  FCC Academy courses were developed to provide educational tools to assist you in practicing better financial habits, with a focus on budgeting, expense tracking, debt relief and credit building and repair. 


Most importantly, you should finish each course feeling inspired, with an action plan in mind, that you can implement immediately to improve your life financially. 


Course 1 - Understanding & Utilizing Credit
Learn about the basics of credit, ​and
how utilizing your credit cards can increase your scores, making you attractive to lenders
Course 2 - "No Negativity Allowed"
Learn the ins and outs of how to dispute, what laws the credit bureaus, creditors, and collection agencies must abide by, and the rights you have as a consumer.


"No Negativity Allowed" and "Understanding & Utilizing Credit"

and receive the

FCC Budget Planner for


More Coming Soon!

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Please note: These courses provide educational tools to assist you in practicing better financial habits and are not intended to be a definitive set of instructions.  You may discover that there are other methods and materials that can be used to accomplish the same end results.  If you wish to apply the information taught, you are assuming responsibility for any actions taken as a result.  


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