We're at the beginning of the second quarter of the year….let’s take a look at how you’re doing as far as meeting any goals you set at the top of the year.
How are you doing? Are you making good progress? Have you already given up on any of them? Do you feel the need to reevaluate and restructure your plan to meet these goals? If so, no worries….let’s start this month off remember our “whys”. Why did you set these goals in the first place? If you feel you are struggling to meet them, why? Why is it important that you meet them?
We are kicking off our April Money Challenge!
Our focus for the entire month will be on budgeting, saving, and spending.
One thing you will need to get started is the FCC Budget Planner.
The cost is $5 for the printable version and $7 for the electronic version.
Click HERE to get yours today! If you already have one, AWESOME!
You will also receive tools and resources to get started and to help guide
you through the coming weeks.
Every Monday, you will receive a task for the week. I will go live and create posts giving detailed instructions and to see how you’re coming along.
This will be done in an exclusive Facebook group, where you can also check in and hold each other accountable.
Who’s with me? Are you up for the challenge? If so...LET'S GO!